
Age 35, Male

Software Engineer

Gdansk, Poland

Joined on 4/15/05

Exp Points:
3,058 / 3,210
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Vote Power:
5.91 votes
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Latest News

Hi there,

Sorry I have not been active for so long. Many things happened in my life, but we will get into that later.

Recently, I have been receiving a lot of messages regarding the progress of the third part of Megaman X Virus Mission series. What happened to it? Well, let's move back about ten years. The work on the game was going quite well. I even managed to implement new game mechanics. Those included attacks missing or dealing critical damage, cooldowns for more powerful skills and hyper mode power ups which not only gave characters health and power boost, but also extra skills. Unfortunately my PC broke down beyond repair. I had lost all of the game data before I managed to do any kind of backup. The game was about 33.3% complete, I even released a playable demo on one of the forums I was a moderator at. I was really upset about this since a lot of my work went down the drain. I lost all of the desire to recreate my work and decided to focus on my studies. 

I am sorry for this. The project was scrapped and I took a break from game coding and animation. This was a really difficult time for me, but I am still grateful for all of the support from you. I know that you should never say "never", however, I do not think I will ever create the third part. In addition, Flash has already become an obsolete technology, being replaced with HTML5 and other new web standards. Operating systems like Apple's mobile iOS already stopped supporting it years ago and it is only a matter of time when all of the web browsers stop paying attention to it. This is another reason why I propably will not continue the series.

What about my life you may ask? What about the studies I mentioned eariler? Oh boy, was it a long journey. I majored in not one, not two, but three fields! I received a bachelor degree in emergency medicine and informatics which I also extended, therefore gaining master of science in engineering degree. Today, I work as a full-fledged software engineer in one of the companies which produces medical software systems. 

Sounds crazy right? This teenager from Poland who animated a character from a Sonic the Hedgehog game in such way that he defecated on the dead body of its protagonist? It still makes me laugh when I think about this. I was sixteen years old back then, still not knowing where my life will take me. Video games, animated shows, comics, typical nerdy ways of entertainment were and still are my passion. They gave me lots of inspiration to come up with the ideas for my work. But I would propbably have never realised them if I had not watched works of other Newgrounds users like Cajunspirit, BlackDevilX, Flamezero, LGDVegetto, MidNightMaren, Heran-Bago, Randy Solem and many others who inspired me to create those silly animations and games you can still view here. I am so happy that I could be a part of this wonderful community. This of course also includes people who viewed my works and gave them fair reviews. Thanks to all of you!

Yours faithfully,

Marcin Mackiewicz aka MaranX


Recent Game Medals

205 Points

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Screw you Asimov 25 Points

Mindchamber survives the battle

Wavey 5 Points

Beat the game on the first difficulty setting.

Big Heart 5 Points

Click on any donate button.

Middle Tier 25 Points

Beat the game on Normal Difficulty.

Valkyrie 50 Points

Defeat the final boss and save the world.

Battle Cat 10 Points

Bring NoLegs to the battlefield.

Zombie Hydra 10 Points

Slay the undead dragon.

Sand Worm 10 Points

Eat worms for breakfast.

Giga Golem 10 Points

Master the elements.