So you cancelled Megaman X Virus Mission?
Age 36, Male
Software Engineer
Gdansk, Poland
Joined on 4/15/05
So you cancelled Megaman X Virus Mission?
I hope that you will rework again from 0 on Megaman X Virus Mission 3.
Soon Flash will no longer be supported. Therefore I see no point.
I hope everything will be ok and where we can find the demo?
It used to be on the forum where I used to be a moderator. I also had it hosted on Imageshack. However it has been long gone.
Will you start on Megaman X Virus Mission 3 to 0? We fans want to see a sequel.
So that could've explain why you couldn't release your work a decade ago. If you have no inspiration, than I can understand. I wish you well with your life.
PS: This is coming from a long time fan and I thought you kinda of moved on. So I guess that makes sense.
Thanks. Yes, unfortunately I had to take care of other important matters. It was a real shame since I really enjoy coding games. Nowadays I mainly code web applications. Writing them is not bad, but I do not have as much fun with working on them as I have with games.
When you start again on new Megaman X Virus Mission 3?
Can you start a new series animation or no?
I am not sure. I was playing with some game engines including XNA and Unity and l learned a little bit regarding advanced game design. Unfortunately, I am not planning any works to be released in the near future.
@Alberto66 @MaranX Megaman X Virus Mission 3 is cancelled?
Well it's good to hear after wondering for years of what happened lol. Hope things go well for you :)
Always nice when someone decides to tell others how it went since the last time they've been here. You said you have fun making games... Do you belive you would ever go back to that? As a hobby or some such. This is not a request, I honestly am just wondering.
Who knows. I worked a little bit with XNA and Unity. However I also work full time as a software engineer. When I get back home I like to do something else than debugging, scripting and testing. I focus more on non technical stuff then, like learning new languages,
Well actually if you didn't lose your progress then you wouldn't focus on your lessons and well... you know, you couldn't be where you are right now. (also, are you still doing games or applications by coding)
Unfortunately, just web applications. I code more with Java, Python and Javascript than Flash Action Script.
Which is new project to work?
@Alberto66, I wish I was as dedicated as you.
@MaranX Hi maran x, I'm ansu maverick, I'm 18 years old and I want to tell you that your game is the first rpg I played in my life I played it when I was very small, and at first I thought it was original capcom I have a special affection for megaman x virus mission because it brings me unforgettable memories and it's amazing that your work has captivated many. I was waiting for the third installment, but now I realize what happened and I accept your decision, I am a fan of your work is incredible project that you achieved I can only say thank you because your game is still special to me and many today....
Hi maran x, I'm ansu maverick, I'm 18 years old and I want to tell you that your game is the first rpg I played in my life I played it when I was very small, and at first I thought it was original capcom I have a special affection for megaman x virus mission because it brings me unforgettable memories and it's amazing that your work has captivated many. I was waiting for the third installment, but now I realize what happened and I accept your decision, I am a fan of your work is incredible project that you achieved I can only say thank you because your game is still special to me and many today....
@Alberto66 @MaranX Well, I'm a programmer in the learning process, and I know you won't finish the project, and I know that flash is already archaic, but I think the game could be made for another platform, maybe an app. My intention here is that I would like to finish what you once started, to do a job as well done as the one you did .. My intention is that I would like to finish the game since I have a special affection for it, and I do not do it for credits or I do nothing for the simple reason that I would like to see the game finished and I know that many would like it, I only ask you to give me permission to do it, so that in the future I can achieve it ... thank you just in case this is my instagram .. (ansumjr10) thanks for creating the game just give me the opportunity ..
And why don't you try to resume the project with everything that is currently there?
It has been too long and I moved on to other projects.
do you still alive
I do still alive ;)
Your journey is inspiring. From a kid who enjoyed this so much as a kid to a lost adult I gotta say, hearing where you ended up now gives me hope.
Will you work on Megaman X Virus Mission 3?